
meal diversity peacockery confident celebrity gorgeous fad superficial dress parade option effect deterrent safety public threat commit a crime measure preventive juvenile delinquency jail punish offender innocent criminal stimulate shopaholic advertiser decision purchase induce target audience promotion public service advertising commercial Public opinion mislead unveil audience cater for coverage hook fair press traffic congestion metropolis suburb widen well-being population density urbanisation rural areas job-hopping workplace fatigue fast-paced competition keen fierce intense colleague stress lifestyle career path workaholic child rearing pregnant gossip patient discrimination bearing child housewife harassment gender grow up outdoor activity naughty curious couch potato imitate addictive impressionable pension expert volunteer retirement demographic elderly twilight age tsunami silver equality social ensure financial aid health care public transportation need human basic investment obligation military state-owned implement budget opportunity bridge the gap corruption combat organisation non-profit NGO impose on censorship impose house affordable public service system welfare tax revenue prioritize policy private supervise authority poverty mobile phone popularity increase have access to access telecommunication content questionable gamble illegal violence pornography cybercrime netizen face to face hacker biotechnology invention cutting-edge stay in touch with information age mouse click security privacy infringe electronic geographical convenient offensive blog retailer online space exploration machinery labor-saving innovation proliferation due to information explosion log health damage be lost in virtual radiation pirate virtual world digital productivity website on the Internet surf professional obtain all-round achieve oriented learn by rote earn a living subject curriculum qualify intelligence miniature outlook moral foster emotional independently critically encourage physical exercise heavy make contribution market competitive become team spirit impart knowledge factory degree raise feedback interactive mature adolescent discipline talent motivate intellectual psychological nurture theoretical garbage daily sort vehicle efficient fuel air deficiency degrade toxic global warming carbon footprint sustainable development environmental protection green replacement substitution alternative carpool public transit take public solar power hydro wind renewable pollutant release