Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
hog hobo hobbledehoy hillbilly hick heifer hayseed have-not hag guttersnipe greaser grease monkey gorilla gorgon goon golliwog golem gimp ghoul ghost geezer geek frump freak Frankenstein fossil fop fogy fleabag feeb fatty fatso eyesore dwarf dotard dog dinosaur dandy cripple cow cootie coot codger clotheshorse city slicker chit buzzard butterball burrhead bunny bumkin bumpkin brute bruiser booger bohunk blob blimp blastie biddy beldam behemoth beggar bear bag baboon armpit ape Amazon shalom salaam good morning good evening good day good afternoon ciao bon soir ave aloha take it easy take care see you later sayonara peace Over and out over manana later on later have a nice day good night good luck good-bye godspeed farewell enjoy bye-bye bye bon voyage bless you au revoir auf wiedersehen arrivederci adios adieu salutation many happy returns hullo howdy how do you do how are you hi hello halloa hail greeting bonjour ahoy what the hell tarnation son of a gun son of a bitch shoo shit sheesh pox piss pish phooey Od mother of god merde jesus christ Jesus Jeez helluva hellacious hell heckuva heck gramercy goddamnit goddamn god fucking fuck frigging frig fie feh faugh durn drat doggone DOD darn dang Damn it damnation damn dammit dad-blamed cunt criminy crikey crapola crap cottonpickin' Christ Jove bull brother bosh blimey blame bejesus bastard asshole ass arse zounds zooks yup yippee yep yeah yea why whoops whoop-de-do whoa whew well whatever voila viva tush tsktsk touche timber tallyho skoal shush shucks shaddup salud roger rah-rah prosit prithee poop phew peekaboo oyez oy ouch oops ole okey-doke okay nuts nope nerts nay marry mama Lo and behold lackaday jeepers huzzah hooray hey heave-ho heads up hallelujah gracious goody golly giddyap gesundheit gee whiz gee gadzooks forsooth fore fiddlesticks eureka what ditto dear