Groundnut rosette and its assistor virus.
Tobacco yellow vein, a virus dependent on assistor viruses for its transmission by aphids
Comparison of the coat protein of groundnut rosette assistor virus with those of other luteoviruses.
The Effect of Groundnut rosette assistor virus on the Agronomic Performance of Four Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes
Purification and particle properties of groundnut rosette assistor virus and production of a specific antiserum.
Use of monoclonal antibody to potato leafroll virus for detecting groundnut rosette assistor virus by ELISA
Satellite RNA is essential for encapsidation of groundnut rosette umbravirus RNA by groundnut rosette assistor luteovirus coat protein
Dependence of groundnut rosette virus on its satellite RNA as well as on groundnut rosette assistor luteovirus for transmission by A...
Inheritance of resistance in peanut to mixed infections of groundnut rosette virus (GRV) and groundnut rosette assistor virus and si...