at last, at large, at length, at once, at a loss
- We will talk at large about it later.
我们以后对这个再作详尽探讨。 - The question is discussed at large in my report.
我在报告中对该问题作了详细的探讨。 - When we talk about the world, we mean the world at large.
当我们说到世界,是指整个世界。 - The populace at large is opposed to sudden change.
人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革。 - The smuggler is still at large.
那个走私贩仍逍遥法外。 - The escaped prisoner is still at large.
Scaling Laws at Large Transverse Momentum
Phases of Dense Quarks at Large N_c
Superstrings and topological strings at large N
Steady laminar flow with closed streamlines at large Reynolds number
Three-Point Functions of Chiral Operators in D=4, $\CN=4$ SYM at Large N
Steric effects in the dynamics of electrolytes at large applied voltages. I. Double-layer charging.
Absence of suppression in particle production at large transverse momentum in sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV d+Au collisions.
Steric effects in the dynamics of electrolytes at large applied voltages. II. Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations.
Towards an understanding of induced-charge electrokinetics at large applied voltages in concentrated solutions
Exclusive Processes in Quantum Chromodynamics: The Form Factors of Baryons at Large Momentum Transfer