in the end, at last, finally, at length, lastly, eventually
in the end 与at last同义,但in the end不仅可指“过去”还可表示对“未来”的预计。
at last多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。
finally 常与at last换用,都可用于对往事的描述,但finally不带感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后结局。
at length强调经历一段长时间后终于完成,侧重在时间部分。
at last, at large, at length, at once, at a loss
- At length the bus arrived, forty minutes late.
公共汽车终於来了,晚了四十分钟。 - I arrived at that city at length.
我最终到达了那个城市。 - We will debate the subject at length later when we are at leisure.
我们等有空再对这题目展开辩论。 - The sea was gradually gaining on the buildings, which at length almost entirely disappeared.
大海不断地侵蚀着这些建筑物,最后它们几乎完全不见了。 - At length she bethought herself of writing, and inscribed her name-it was a short one-with her hoof on the sand.
最后她终于想到了写字,用一只蹄子把她的名字--很短的一个名字--划在沙地上。 - The opposing forces at length met and at once joined battle.
敌对的两军最后相遇,立即开火交战。 - He spent ten minutes at the phone while the others fretted and fumed. At length he put the receiver down.
From hope to grace
Chinese Made Easy for Kids Textbook 2
Last revised 12/07/04 at 8: 20pm
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