A leisure of one's own: a feminist perspective on women's leisure.Women's leisure in Greece: Fighting for ‘a time of one's own’Leisure & Relaxation for Half the Price; TWO-FOR-ONE AT TWO TOP HOTELSNobody to Play with? The Implications of Leisure CoordinationA survey of undergraduate student's involvement dispositions and participation in leisuresports activities at an urban commuter univ...Choosing one's leisure activities: a report to the President of the Republic. Study committee for the reduction of inequality of acc...Parc 'N' Ride at Your Leisure; Carefree and Car-Free in the 'Butlin's for the Middle Classes'Lower conditioning leisure-time physical activity in young adults born preterm at very low birth weight.Method for improving vision of a low-vision person and viewing aidPerspectives on leisure of LDS women who are stay-at-home mothers.