用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- feel an attraction to感到…有诱惑力
- have attraction for对…有吸引力
- have attraction toward对…有吸引力
- hold attraction for对…有吸引力
- hold attraction toward对…有吸引力
形容词+~- magnetic attraction磁力
- public attraction吸引公众的事物
- scenic attraction风景胜地
- strong attraction强烈的吸引力
~+介词- attraction between two objects两个物体间的引力
- attraction of gravity重力
tourist attraction观光胜地
attraction for对…的吸引力
sexual attraction性吸引力;性诱惑,性引诱
fatal attraction致命的吸引力(电影名称);致命的诱惑(电影名称)
magnetic attraction磁吸引;磁引力
electrostatic attraction静电吸引
force of attraction引力;吸引力规定
attraction force 吸引力(等于dispersion force)
- She felt an immediate attraction to him.
她对他一见锺情。 - The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides.
月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。 - She felt a strong attraction to him.
她感到他对她有强烈的吸引力。 - The main attraction of the place is the nightlife.
这个地方最具吸引力的是夜生活。 - City life holds few attractions for me.
The attraction paradigm
Heterotachy and long-branch attraction in phylogenetics
The London—van der Waals attraction between spherical particles
Selective attraction of monocytes and T lymphocytes of the memory phenotype by cytokine RANTES.
Emergent Properties of Conspecific Attraction in Fragmented Landscapes
Heterospecific attraction and food resources in migrants' breeding patch selection in northern boreal forest
Extending the Similarity-Attraction Effect: The Effects of When-Similarity in Computer-Mediated Communication
Avian habitat management meets conspecific attraction: if you build it, will they come? Auk
Fluids with highly directional attractive forces. III. Multiple attraction sites
Conversion of Neuronal Growth Cone Responses from Repulsion to Attraction by Cyclic Nucleotides