PersonationPersonationPersonationA case of personation.Personation and Immanent Undermining: On Toland's Appearing LockeanFace detection and facial personation prevention by using infrared imagesFace detection and facial personation prevention by using infrared imagesThe nation, the state, and the neighbors: personation in Irish-language discourseShakespeare and the Power of Performance: Personation and playing: “secretly open” role-playingThe Actor-Character in “Secretly Open” Action: Doubly Encoded Personation on Shakespeare’s StageThe Myth of the Conqueror: Prince Henry Stuart, A Study of 17th Century Personation by J. W. WilliamsonTHE EGO, THE SELF, THE PERSON AND PSYCHOSIS (ESSAY ON PERSONATION). [LE MOI, LE SOI, LA PERSONNE ET LA PSYCHOSE (ESSAI SUR LA PERSON...Selection and regeneration of groundnut plants resistant to the pathotoxic culture filtrate of Cercosporidium personation through t...