First report of autochthonous transmission of Zika virus inBrazil
First two autochthonous dengue virus infection in metropolitan France, September 2010
First two autochthonous dengue virus infections in metropolitan France, September 2010.
Pathobiology of autochthonous prostate cancer in a pre‐clinical transgenic mouse model
Tracing the production and degradation of autochthonous fractions of dissolved organic matter by fluorescence analysis
Distinguishing between terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter sources in marine environments using fluorescence spectroscopy
Allochthonous versus Autochthonous Organic Matter Contributions to the Trophic Support of Fish Populations in Clear-Cut and Old-Grow...
Demonstration of resistance against methyleholanthrene-inducedsarcomas in primary autochthonous hosts.
Demonstration of resistance against methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas in the primary autochthonous host
Oral consumption of green tea polyphenols inhibits insulin-like growth factor-I-induced signaling in an autochthonous mouse model of...