- The autocrat strove in vain to deal with the situation.
那个独裁者努力应付这个情况,却徒劳无功。 - He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat.
Autocrats and Islamists: Contenders and containment in Egypt and Morocco
Tying the autocrat's hands : the rise of the rule of law in China
Does Foreign Aid Support Autocrats, Democrats, or Both?
The Autocrat's Credibility Problem and Foundations of the Constitutional State
Citizens, Autocrats, and Plotters: A Model and New Evidence on Coups D'État
Empowering Activists or Autocrats? The Internet in Authoritarian Regimes
Authoritarian Institutions and the Survival of Autocrats
Personal Rule in Black Africa: Prince, Autocrat, Prophet, Tyrant.
Multiple Ca2+ sensors in secretion: teammates, competitors or autocrats?
Erratum to: Inward-looking policies, institutions, autocrats, and economic growth in Latin America: an empirical exploration