用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- ache badly痛得厉害
- ache periodically周期地疼
- ache slightly轻微地痛
~+介词- ache for想念,渴望
- ache for a visit to Paris渴望去巴黎访问
- ache for company渴望有人陪伴
- ache for home想家,渴望回家
- ache for one's children想孩子
- ache for sb's friendship渴望与某人交友
- ache with cold冻得疼
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- aggravate the aches加剧疼痛
- alleviate ache减轻痛苦
- cause ache引起疼痛
- cure an ache治好疼痛
- feel aches感到疼痛
- get aches感到疼痛
- have aches感到疼痛
- relieve sb's ache减轻某人的疼痛
- soothe aches镇痛
- stand the aches忍受疼痛
- suffer from an ache遭受痛苦
形容词+~- awful ache厉害的疼痛
- bad ache厉害的疼痛
- chronic ache慢性疼痛
- continuous ache持续性疼痛
- dull ache隐痛
- incessant ache连续疼痛
- local ache局部的疼痛
- miserable ache难受的疼痛
- nagging ache使人烦恼的疼痛
- nasty ache严重的疼痛
- numbing ache令人麻木的痛
- persistent ache持续性疼痛
- raking ache剧烈的疼痛
- severe ache非常痛
- sick ache呕吐性疼痛
- slight ache轻微的疼痛
- splitting ache要裂开似的疼痛
- steady ache持续的疼痛
名词+~- back ache背痛
- ear ache耳痛
- muscles ache肌肉疼痛
- stomach ache胃痛
- tooth ache remedy牙痛药
- tooth ache牙痛
介词+~- in agonies with toothache苦于牙痛
~+介词- ache in my heart我心中的隐痛
- ache in one's heart心脏痛
- ache in the back背痛
- ache in the stomach胃痛
- ache of loneliness寂寞的折磨
- ache over one's brows额头痛
aches and pains痛苦;不适;各种各样的病痛
stomach ache胃疼
ache for想念,渴望
tooth ache牙痛
ache all over全身疼痛
sore, ache, pain
- There was a little ache in her fancy of all he described.
她想象着他所描绘的一切,心里不禁有些刺痛。 - You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.
如果你背那些沉重的桶,你的背会痛的。 - He felt a dull ache in his shoulder.
- Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks, Can I count on this man?
即使女人渴望爱情,她们也会在内心自问:“我能信赖这个男人吗? - That vague sweetness made my heart ache with longing and it seemed to me that it was the eager breath of the summer seeking for its completion.
那暧昧的芬芳击中了我心底的渴望,仿佛乞求完满的炎夏炙热的呼吸。 - The universal stare made the eyes ache.
这种普遍的耀眼色彩令人眼睛发痛。 - My tennis elbow began to ache again.
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