Alloy: a lightweight object modelling notationA Selective Procedure for DNA Extraction from Apoptotic Cells Applicable for Gel Electrophoresis and Flow CytometryAdaptive Location Prediction Strategies Based on a Hierarchical Network Model in a Cellular Mobile EnvironmentQuantification of water and silanol species on various silicas by coupling IR spectroscopy and in-situ thermogravimetryState Estimator Measurement System Reliablity Evaluation???An Efficient Algorithm Based on Topological Observability TheoryRacism and Support of Free-Market Capitalism: A Cross-Cultural AnalysisPhotomovement of the red alga Porphyridium cruentum (Ag.) naegeli I. PhotokinesisTimed state space exploration using POSETsWhy Great Teachers Stay.über die Hormone des Hypophysenvorderlappens