- The acquaintanceship woulds be a fate.
相识便是缘份。 - It was unfair to judge her on such a brief acquaintanceship.
Segregation in social networks based on acquaintanceship and trust
The effect of acquaintanceship on the validity of personality impressions: A longitudinal study.
Friends and strangers: Acquaintanceship, agreement, and the accuracy of personality judgment.
The perception of self and others: acquaintanceship, affect, and actor-observer differences
Predicting personality and behavior: a boundary on the acquaintanceship effect
Speculations about social and affective development: Friendship and acquaintanceship through adolescence.
Agreement among judges of personality: interpersonal relations, similarity, and acquaintanceship.
Consensus in personality judgments: Moderating effects of target-rater acquaintanceship and behavior observability.
Self-other agreement in personality and affectivity: the role of acquaintanceship, trait visibility, and assumed similarity
The Use of Focus Groups for Idea Generation: The Effects of Group Size, Acquaintanceship, and Moderator on Response Quantity and Qua...