Working memory training for adult hearing aid users: study protocol for a double-blind randomized active controlled trialSingle-document active user interface, method and system for implementing sameMETHODS AND DEVICES WHICH ENABLE CONSIDERING A NUMBER OF ACTIVE USER STATIONS LINKED VIA RELAYS WHEN ALLOCATING RADIO RESOURCESActive usersThe Population Declining AFSA Based Identification of Active Users for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with DS-UWB Based Contro...heise Netze - Active usersMethods and devices which enable considering a number of active user stations linked via relays when allocating radio resourcesActive user or lurker? A phenomenological investigation of graduate students in social media spacesMETHOD DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING DATA PACKETS BELONG TO DIFFERENT USERS IN A COMMON TRANSMITTAL PROTOCOL PACKETMAC protocols for Cognitive Radio Networks with passive and Active primary users