- It is adamantine for Chinese to safeguard homeland integrity.
Adamantine Epithelioma
Structural aspects of adamantine like multinary chalcogenides
Quaternary adamantine selenides and tellurides of the form I III IV VI 4
Metallic carbide/adamantine (MeC/DLC) nanometer multi-layer film material and method for preparing the same
Zone-Boundary Acoustic Phonons in Adamantine Compounds from Far-Infrared Absorption Measurements
Calorimetric studies of the heats of formation of IIIB-VB adamantine phases
Nonlinear pressure dependence of the direct band gap in adamantine ordered-vacancy compounds
Host–Guest Interaction of Adamantine with a β-Cyclodextrin-Functionalized AuPd Bimetallic Nanoprobe for Ultrasensitive Electrochem...
High-pressure optical and vibrational properties of CdGa2Se4: Order-disorder processes in adamantine compounds
Rescuing All Our Futures: The Future of Futures Studies : Ziauddin Sardar (Editor); Adamantine Press, Twickenham, 1999, 358 pages, ...