- Adjure everybody to help, thank!
恳请大家帮帮忙,谢谢! - Adjure you to speak the truth.
Who Was the Deity of the Adjure: "By the gazelles and by the wild does of the field"in SOS 2:7? / במי הושבעו בנות יר...Through the Night My Songs Adjure TheeAfter adjures: The executive board, the press and the case of equalityMänniskadjuret Hft 30 Sagan om IsfolketExorcismLarge lexicons for natural language processing: utilising the grammar coding system of LDOCEA time-of-flight array for 1 to 2 GeV/ c particlesRegulation of Macrophage Activation by Il-3Amour courtois, société masculine et figures du pouvoirWriting of Yehuda Amichai, The: A Thematic Approach