Effect of administrated activity, admission number and TSH level on radiation retention curve of patients taking iodine-131 therapy ...Name : CHEO PEI YING Admission Number : 105838W Admission Date : 19-Apr-2010Effect of administrated activity, admission number and TSH level on radiation retention curve of patients taking iodine-131 therap....If there are more applications for places than allowed in our admission number, preference will be given to children according to th...Admission Number 20 1 8MG0 0 Master of Science Programme in Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (International Programme)Admission Number 3 3 1 6 D G 0 0 Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Dental Biomaterials Science (International Programme)STATUTORY CONSULTATION ON PROPOSED REDUCTION TO THE PUBLISHED ADMISSION NUMBERChange to the Admission Number of St. Michael's C of E (Voluntary Aided)[Accelerated increase in the number of involuntary admissions following the implementation of the Dutch Act on Compulsory Admission ...Impact of A Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program on Hospital Admission, Number of Hospitalized Days and Hospital Charge Avoidance. 3: 30...