Is ambivalence an agential vice?Agent-causation and agential controlAgential Obligation as Non-agential Personal Obligation Plus AgencyAgential Conversations: Interviewing Postdoctoral Life Scientists and the Politics of Mundane Research PracticesWho performs marketing? Dimensions of agential variation in market practiceCaring for the collective: : biopower and agential subjectification in wildlife conservationHow we know what we're doing: An inferential explanation of agential "knowledge without observation"Debating Sociomateriality: Entanglements, imbrications, disentangling, and agential cutsTaiwanese adolescent cognitive autonomy and identity development: the relationship of situational and agential factors.We Have Never Been Human: Agential Nature, ANT, and Marxist Political Ecology* I am indebted to Alan Rudy for his support with thi...