A numerical model to store and access the stratigraphy of non-cohesive sediment as an alluvial bed aggrades and degrades in a flume
ABSTRACT: Changes in architectural style as a confined turbidite system aggrades: the Peïra Cava system, south-east France, by Lawr...
Floodplain Evolution in the East Midlands, United Kingdom: The Lateglacial and Flandrian Alluvial Record from the Soar and Nene Vall...
Self-similar long profiles of aggrading submarine leveed channels: Analytical solution and its application to the Amazon channel
Why do teachers ask questions? - a preliminary investigation
Avulsion mechanisms on the Okavango fan, Botswana: the control of a fluvial system by vegetation
Colorado River sediment transport: 2. Systematic Bed-elevation and grain-size effects of sand supply limitation
Evolution of lakes and basins in northern Alaska and discussion of the thaw lake cycle
Complexity in a cellular model of river avulsion
Autocyclic behaviour of fan deltas: an analogue experimental study.