- The drama of the year is heightened, as the drumbeat of the days rolls towards Agincourt.
Profile: Agincourt Health and Socio-demographic ...The Agincourt demographic and health study--site description, baseline findings and implications.Moving from data on deaths to public health policy in Agincourt, South Africa: approaches to analysing and understanding verbal auto...Research into health , population and social transitions in rural South Africa : Data and methods of the Agincourt Health and Demogr...The social diagnostics of stroke-like symptoms: healers, doctors and prophets in Agincourt, Limpopo Province, South Africa.Does money empower the elderly? Evidence from the Agincourt demographic surveillance site, South AfricaThe Agincourt field site--evolution and current status.Reversal in mortality trends: evidence from the Agincourt field site, South Africa, 1992-1995The social diagnostics of stroke like symptoms: Healers, doctors and prophets in Agincourt, Limpopo Province, South Africa. SASPI Te...The Agincourt Demographic and Health Study: Phase 1.