- A number of agrochemical companies, including Bayer and Syngenta, have been looking at ways to make complex protein drugs in plants, although progress has been slow.
AGROCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS WITH QUINOLINE SAFENERSChemistry and Technology of Agrochemical FormulationsResearch and Practice of Curriculum Reform of "Soil Agrochemical Analysis"Agrochemical characterisation of "alperujo", a solid by-product of the two-phase centrifugation method for olive oil extraction.Dioxin and dioxin-like PCB impurities in some Japanese agrochemical formulationsChanges in agrochemical parameters of soddy-podzolic soil upon drainage and in a field crop rotation at different fertilizer ratesThe occurrence of microorganisms as affected by different soil agrochemical propertiesEstimating the effects of soil fertility parameters on winter wheat yield Results of an agrochemical studyEffect of sewage sludge and salts of heavy metals on the contents of heavy metals and agrochemical properties of soilChemInform Abstract: Recent Applications of Palladium‐Catalyzed Coupling Reactions in the Pharmaceutical, Agrochemical, and Fine Ch...