Peek 2003: we got the scoop on what's new in bowriders, deck boats, cruisers and cuddies for next year.Don't Blow A Casket Think Out Of The Box; Spare the cuddies and the limos. Go green and avoid coughing up for a posh coffinTurftalk: Branded failures, but this band of willing cuddies deserve their day outUsed walkaround cuddies.(Letters to the Editors)Flush-deck cuddies.(Letters to the Editors)(Letter to the editor)Roadworks - B9157 East of Cuddiesknowes cottsLooping RAFOS floats in the California Current SystemSubthermocline Eddies over the Washington Continental Slope as Observed by Seagliders, 2003-09Subthermocline Eddies over the Washington Continental Slope as Observe...Submesoscale Instability and Generation of Mesoscale Anticyclones near a Separation of the California Undercurrent