- In April 2005, a female albino cobra laid 20 eggs.
2005年4月,一只患白化病的雌眼镜蛇产下20个卵。 - This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.
驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱着她的白化病宝宝。 - I ended up living with this albino guy who was cleaning windshields.
The diencephalon of the albino rat. Studies on the brain of the rat. No. 2
Connections of the cerebral cortex; the albino rat; structure of the cortical areas.
Organization of motor and somatosensory neocortex in the albino rat
Connections of the cerebral cortex; the albino rat; topography of the cortical areas.
Enhancement of Carcinogenesis by Prostaglandins in Male Albino Swiss Mice
Connections of the cerebral cortex. I. The albino rat. B. Structure of the cortical areas
Isolation and sequence of a cDNA clone for human tyrosinase that maps at the mouse c-albino locus
Hall, R.D. & Lindholm, E.P. Organization of motor and somatosensory neocortex in albino rat. Brain Res. 66, 23-38
Microelectrode delineation of fine grain somatotopic organization of (SmI) cerebral neocortex in albino rat
Engraftment and migration of human bone marrow stromal cells implanted in the brains of albino rats--similarities to astrocyte grafts