
recognition recognize discoverer discovery discover survivor survive emphasise intelligence pollution polluted pollutant pollute persuasion spirit assist localize on a large scale scale isolation universal crisis affordable invaluable parent unconditional willing fruitful fruitless sacrifice absence recommend to recommendation recommend recover from as follows confess foundation miraculous marvellous sophisticated sophistication major be essential for aid in part corporation plain send in send telephone box graduate school deserve be more likely to disposition undeniable time-consuming result in discomfort mild misconception go off intake unwise expose awkward justice devotion spiritual abundant regulation affirmation reliable immigrant get tough on in detail detailed occur fascination fascinated fascinate urge to stick to address make contribution to make sense significance launch into figure out drop out raw drop honorary arise from arise be absorbed in absorption absorb suspect of suspected analyst analyse diverse biodiversity resistance reproduction reproduce optional invalid validate arouse controversy controversy twisting twisted upbringing treat as cure cure of be beneficial to fearless for fear of rush into in a rush by contrast contrast with breathless breathtaking breath breathe refusal refuse disgust chase terrorist terrorism keep alive life shrink unsympathetic sympathize sympathy sympathetic skeptical day in and day out at any cost at the cost of unbearable dare to disapprove approval approve merely disturbing possibly trend at a price show be desperate for in honour of be honoured for honour in relief relieved relieve example interpret vacancy vacant regardless regarding be composed of compose contact make contact with depression depress combine with combined combine bring to mind all at once get along with be on good terms with be nostalgic for be blessed with in return turn round carpenter spray acute forgiveness tear slide swell frustration at a loss loss be confronted with owe to considerable be considerate of considerate betrayal betray be ashamed of keep in touch regretable regretful regret count for nothing count upon count confrontation confront raise raise money amount to a large amount of reluctant be accustomed to presence once in a while every now and then from time to time financial support finance financial knock out knock down knock over burst into burst in burst out be noted for take note of note trustworthy trusty trusting trust commit crime be convicted of sentence sen risk at risk swallow sick of keep away hide away