- There pills will allay your pain.
这药丸可以减轻你的疼痛。 - More reading may be allaying your doubt.
多读书或许可以减少你的疑惑。 - The employer was forced to allay the tumult.
Biotech panel set up in US may help allay public fears
Low injection rate for 3D moving-table bolus-chase MR angiography: initial experience with 3-T imaging to allay venous contamination...
Justice minister tries to allay doctors' fears about abortion bill.
Retroviral-mediated transfer of the green fluorescent protein gene into murine hematopoietic cells facilitates scoring and selection...
The prevention of thymic lymphomas in transgenic mice by human O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase
Enforced expression of the GATA-2 transcription factor blocks normal hematopoiesis.
In vivo selection of retrovirally transduced hematopoietic stemcells
LacZ and interleukin-3 expression in vivo after retroviral transduction of marrow-derived human osteogenic mesenchymal progenitors
High-efficiency transduction and long-term gene expression with a murine stem cell retroviral vector encoding the green fluorescent ...
Use of the green fluorescent protein as a marker to identify and track genetically modified hematopoietic cells