- The one exception to allometric relationships is fat.
Allometric scaling of plant energetics and population density
Allometric scaling of production and life-history variation in vascular plants
Allometric Engineering: A Causal Analysis of Natural Selection on Offspring Size
Allometric scaling of metabolic rate from molecules and mitochondria to cells and mammals.
Seed size and seedling emergence: an allometric relationship and some ecological implications
The Fourth Dimension of Life: Fractal Geometry and Allometric Scaling of Organisms
Theoretical and empirical derivation of cardiovascular allometric relationships in children
Reducing uncertainty in the use of allometric biomass equations for predicting above-ground tree biomass in mixed secondary forests
Left ventricular mass and body size in normotensive children and adults: assessment of allometric relations and impact of overweight.
Effect of growth on variability of left ventricular mass: Assessment of allometric signals in adults and children and their capacity...