What lessons can be learned from y T cell-based cancer immunotherapy trials?Structure of a type III secretion needle at 7-A resolution provides insights into its assembly and signaling mechanisms [Biophysics ...Intrarectal immunization with rotavirus 2/6 virus稻瘟病菌株CH63和TH16杂交组合的遗传图谱构建及无毒基因定位Cross-talk between Akkermansia muciniphila and intestinal epithelium controls diet-induced obesityLocal Irradiation Not Only Induces Homing of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells at Exposed Sites but Promotes Their Widespread Engraftment...Responses of Gut Microbiota and Glucose and Lipid Metabolism to Prebiotics in Genetic Obese and Diet-Induced Leptin-Resistant MiceAlterations in Ptch1 Cis-Regulation underlie loss of antero-posterior identity and digit reductions in bovine limbsAuditory dominance in temporal processing: New evidence from synchronization with simultaneous visual and auditory sequences.Overexpression of Arabidopsis ECERIFERUM1 Promotes Wax Very-Long-Chain Alkane Biosynthesis and Influences Plant Response to Biotic a...