exploration and development勘探与开发
geological exploration地质勘探;地质勘察;地质勘测
seismic exploration[工程]地震探查
oil exploration石油勘探
space exploration太空探索;空间探索;外层空间探索
mineral exploration矿产勘探
geophysical exploration地球物理勘探
exploration stage探索阶段;探究阶段
exploration drilling钻探;[经]勘探钻井
exploration right探矿权;勘探权;试采权
offshore exploration海上勘探,近海勘探
exploration geochemistry勘查地球化学
exploration geophysics勘探地球物理学;探测地球物理学
- It is true during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature.
确实在探险中,他们经常面临着各种最有危险性的艰难和险阻。 - The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.
英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代。 - Their team will undertake exploration for oil.
他们队将着手进行石油勘探工作。 - The government will grant them permission for oil exploration.
政府将允许他们探测石油。 - We have found large reserves of oil in the new exploration areas.
Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning.
Exploration, and exploitation of organizational learning
An Exploration in the Theory of Optimum Income Taxation
Exploration, normalization, and summaries of high density oligonucleotide array probe level data
Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited
The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An Empirical Exploration
Petroleum formation and occurrence. A new approach to oil and gas exploration
Have Individual Stocks Become More Volatile? An Empirical Exploration of Idiosyncratic Risk
Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and exploration.
A generic protein purification method for protein complex characterization and proteome exploration.