- On the other hand, Actions continues to play a dominant role in the Asian market and is ambitiously expanding its markets in Europe and North America.
Ambitiously beautiful
FDA ambitiously encourages innovation while ensuring safe therapies
Is Less Really More? The Pitfalls of an Ambitiously Healthy Diet
I put in a new vegetable garden this year, ambitiously too big
Economically, the space program marked the largest and most ambitiously unique public works
How to Help Student Enhance a Sense of Purpose in Science Learning, and Study Ambitiously
A Study of Polysemous Aspects Borne by the Words 'Ambition', 'Ambitious' and 'Ambitiously'
Unfamiliar Ring Over 25 years ago, Ralph Bakshi made an ambitiously animated but tepidly received LOTR film. Now he revisits his not...
Seasonal challenges: candy industry moving forward ambitiously, aggressively, despite less-than-optimal market conditions. (Seasonal...
'I Believe in Truth' ; after an Acclaimed Memoir and Prize-Winning Adult Fiction, Tim Lott Has Ambitiously Changed Course with a Par...