用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- abject apology低三下四的道歉
- abject beggar可鄙的乞丐
- abject coward可鄙的懦夫
- abject failure惨败
- abject fear卑怯
- abject flattery谄媚
- abject misery惨痛
- abject poverty赤贫
- abject request低声下气的请求
- abject submission奴颜卑膝
- abject surrender身陷绝境时的无奈投降
- She was not aware that the English habits of comfort attach an idea of abject misery to the idea of a barefootedtraveller.
Abject Economics
Becoming Abject: Rape as a Weapon of War
Hume's Abject Failure: The Argument against Miracles by John Earman
Abject Cosmopolitanism: the politics of protection in the anti-deportation movement
Are great apes tested with an abject object-choice task?
Abject Economics: The Effects of Battering and Violence on Women's Work and Employability.
Abject Economics: The Effects of Battering and Violence on Women鈥檚 Work and Employability
Illegitimate Subjects?: Abject Whites, Neoliberal Modernisation, and Middle-Class Multiculturalism
Japanese Policy and the East Asian Currency Crisis: Abject Defeat or Quiet Victory?
Despatologização do gênero: a politização das identidades abjetas Depathologization of the genre: the politicization of abject ...