- Many old Chinese people are analphabetic.
Reading Acquisition in Analphabetic Adults
The Articulations of Speech Sounds Represented by Means of Analphabetic Symbols
The challenge of teaching a second language with literacy to students analphabetic in their mother tongue
Becoming an alphabetic reader is not easy for emergent readers
Is Korean a syllabic alphabet or an alphabetic syllabary
『福州方言拼音字典(An Alphabetic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Foochow Dialect)』을 통해본 19세기말 福州方言의 音韻 特徵
An Alphabetic Acrostic Lament/'n Alfabeties-Akrostiese Klaaglied
An Alphabetic Canaanite Inscription
Root Words: An Alphabetic Exploration. No. 7 of 30 copies.
An alphabetic list of Bromeliad Binomials. Seventh edition.