- I angerly blamed him at the first, but when I know the whole thing, I start to understand he was right, so I call him to take back my words.
Method and Device for Separating the Processing of Program Code in a Computer System Having at Least Two Execution Units
Le Morte Darthur
A Carbecue (A Humorous Story)
The anger recall interview and cardiovascular reactivity in women: an examination of context and experience.
Who me, angry? Patterns of anger diversion in women
Anger response style as it relates to gaining and retaining employment in a chronically poor population
Methionine does not reduce Cu(II)–β-amyloid!—Rectification of the roles of methionine-35 and reducing agents in metal-centered ox...
Metal Complexes of a Multidentate Cyclophosphazene with Imidazole‐Containing Side Chains for Hydrolyses of Phosphoesters – Bimolec...
ErbB Tyrosine Kinases and the Two Neuregulin Families Constitute a Ligand-Receptor Network
Cross-national differences in the prevalence and correlates of burden among older family caregivers in the World Health Organization...