- Kate became not just thin, but anorexic.
凯特不仅变瘦了,而且还厌食。 - I am almost positive that my best friend Amanda is anorexic.
我几乎可以确认我的朋友阿曼妲是个厌食症患者。 - Bowman is a fit and healthy 19-year-old but she used to be anorexic.
- Even as an anorexic I knew this was bad, and I had to do something.
An anorexic lipid mediator regulated by feeding
Anorexia nervosa and anorexic-like syndromes in a population-based female twin sample.
Leptin regulation of the anorexic response to glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor stimulation.
Structured Interview for Anorexic and Bulimic disorders for DSM-IV and ICD-10: updated (third) revision
The struggle to be thin: a survey of anorexic and bulimic symptoms in a non-referred adolescent population.
The structured interview for anorexic and bulimic disorders for DSM-IV and ICD-10 (SIAB-EX): reliability and validity
Anorexic Agents Aminorex, Fenfluramine, and Dexfenfluramine Inhibit Potassium Current in Rat Pulmonary Vascular Smooth Muscle and Ca...
Seasonal Matching of Foraging to Anticipated Energy Requirements in Anorexic Juvenile Salmon
Plasma ghrelin concentrations in elderly subjects: comparison with anorexic and obese patients.
Ghrelin, peptide YY, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, and hunger responses to a mixed meal in anorexic, obese, and cont...