ApomictStubby Head, an Induced Facultative Apomict in Pearl Millet1Clonal diversity in taraxacum officinale (compositae), an apomictPollen-pistil Interaction in a Non-pseudogamous Apomict, Commiphora wightiiThe Endosperm-Embryo Relationship in an Autonomous Apomict, Taraxacum officinaleSexual reproduction in field populations of the facultative apomict, Hieracium pilosellaReproductive strategy and population variability in the facultative apomict Hieracium pilosella (Asteraceae)A cytological and morphometric analysis of a triploid apomict, Opuntia X kelvinensis (subgenus Cylindropuntia, Cactaceae).Genetic diversity and reproductive biology in ecotypes of the facultative apomict Hypericum perforatum L.Biochemical and molecular markers for investigating the mode of reproduction in the facultative apomict Poa pratensis L