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The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern CultureApparitional Lesbian – Female Homosexuality & Modern Culture (Paper)The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture by Terry CastleMyths, Legends, and Apparitional Lesbians: Amy Lowell's Haunting ModernismThe Organizational Development of Marian Apparitional MovementsApparitional Movements as Sites of Religious Experimentation: A Case Study from Transcarpathian Ukraine 1What Happened to Celie and Idgie?: "Apparitional Lesbians"in American FilmEnvironmental Sensitivity: Inquiry Into a Possible Link with Apparitional ExperienceThin Boundary and Transliminality in Relation with Apparitional Experiences and Sense of PresenceThe Iyengar-Kirti case. An apparitional case of the by-stander type. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54, 64-67.