GAsDock: a new approach for rapid flexible docking based on an improved multi-population genetic algorithm
Effects of Ag addition on phase transformation and resistivity of TiSi 2 thin films
Bowling score display apparatus
ZIF-derived porous ZnO-Co 3 O 4 hollow polyhedrons heterostructure with highly enhanced ethanol detection performance
Hogan's Tin Pan Alley: R. F. Outcault and Popular Sheet Music
Prof. Solomon Aronson: why is it important to manage acute blood pressure?
收藏家的自我形象塑造:嘉德納夫人與其同代繪畫收藏;Shaping the Self-Image of the Collector: Mrs. Gardner and her Collection of Contempo...
Case-intelligence recommendation system modeling based on RS and RBF
A Plausible Man