NEUROwords 11. Arachnophobia: spiders and spider's webs in the head.
Arachnophobia and Fear of Other Insects: Efficacy and Lessons Learned from Treatment Process
Arachnophobia and Fear of Other Insects: Efficacy and Lessons Learned from Treatment Process
A spiderless arachnophobia therapy: comparison between placebo and treatment groups and six-month follow-up study
Predicting treatment outcome for Arachnophobia's virtual reality therapy through measures of fear
Effectiveness of virtual reality exposure in the treatment of arachnophobia using 3D games
Clinical Study A Spiderless Arachnophobia Therapy: Comparison between Placebo and Treatment Groups and Six-Month Follow-Up Study
Intranasal oxytocin administration prior to exposure therapy for arachnophobia impedes treatment response.
Youths are more apprehensive and frightened than adults by a virtual environment used to treat arachnophobia
Sleep promotes consolidation and generalization of extinction learning in simulated exposure therapy for arachnophobia