Contribution to a knowledge of the araneidan fauna of Santa Cruz
The Phylogenetic Basis of Sexual Size Dimorphism in Orb-Weaving Spiders (Araneae, Orbiculariae)
I dedicate this collection to my friends Orville and Evelyn Brynelson and my parents George and Marion Greenwald
Intersexual Conflict in Spiders
Stabilimentum variation and foraging success in Argiope aurantia and Argiope trifasciata (Araneae: Araneidae)
Sexual cannibalism in Nephila plumipes as a consequence of female life history strategies
Seasonal Abundance and Diversity of Web-Building Spiders in Relation to Habitat Structure on Barro Colorado Island, Panama
Size, Food-finding, and Dyar's Constant
Trichobothrial mediation of an aquatic escape response: Directional jumps by the fishing spider, Dolomedes triton, foil frog attacks