- The Aristotelian paradigm prefers the frog perspective, whereas the Platonic paradigm prefers the bird perspective.
Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach
The Emergence of Aristotelian Themes in Organization Studies
Unlearning Aristotelian Physics: A Study of Knowledge‐Based Learning
Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity: Aristotelian Society Series
Martha Nussbaum: Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach
The Conflict Between Aristotelian and Galileian Modes of Thought in Contemporary Psychology
Human Functioning and Social Justice In Defense of Aristotelian Essentialism
Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics
Marginalization and recovery: The emergence of Aristotelian themes in organization studies
The Object of Aristotelian Induction: Formal Cause or Composite Individual? : Shifting the Paradigm Alternative Perspectives on Indu...