- A bed and its pink sheet were artfully blurred.
卧室的床和粉红的床单被艺术地处理成虚化的背景。 - The experienced roaster, with his knowledge of each bean, artfully combines them to create the desired blend of flavors.
Teaching professionalism artfully.
Social Work Artfully: Beyond Borders & Boundaries
Social Work Artfully: Beyond Borders and Boundaries
Negotiating the Global Maze Artfully
Science journals artfully try to boost their rankings
Mother and baby—seeing artfully eye to eye.
Artfully hidden: Text and rhythm in a central Australian aboriginal song series
Responding artfully to student-initiated departures in the adult ESL classroom
Children Learning from Artfully Designed, Three-Dimensional Computer Animation.
Thinking about Thinking: Preservice Teachers Strengthen Their Thinking Artfully