in articles根据契约当学徒,依雇用契约工作着
write an article写文章
first article首产品
an article of一件(衣服)
handicraft article工艺美术品
journal article期刊论文;期刊文章
jade article玉器
feature article特写;专题文章;深度文章
definite article定冠词the
article of faith信念;信条
article number商品号;货号
article of association公司章程
leading article主要文章;头条新闻
article by article 一件复一件 articles(或 objects) of virtu 艺术珍品,古玩,古董
- I am articled to a firm of lawyers.
Understanding multi-articled documents
Challenges faced by articled students of ICAB
The difficulties faced by articled students of ICAB
ULaw's articled apprenticeships: a watershed moment in legal education?
Mentors’ Roles in a Primary Articled Teachers’ Scheme
Mentors’ Roles in a Primary Articled Teachers’ Scheme
Articled teachers of technology: an evaluation of the first year of the North-West consortium programme
Mentor and mentor‐training in the North West Articled Teacher Scheme
Technology Teacher Training: The North-West Consortium Articled Teacher Scheme in England
'Three Men Came in for a Beer…'; Twenty One Limericks About Accountants, Articled Clerks, and Academics