[Etiology of apathic-abulic syndromes][A special type of abulic psychopaths ("Oblomovists")][Neurotic abulic syndromes conditioned by corticovisceral pathologic dynamics.][Akinetic-abulic syndrome and its importance in pharmacological-psychiatric research][Correction of apathetic-abulic manifestations of schizophrenia with cholinotropic drugs]Correction of apathic-abulic manifestations of the processual defect by cholinotropic preparationsCorrection of the apatho-abulic manifestations of process schizophrenia with cholinotropic drugs.[The pharmacological treatment of abulic posttraumatic state in children-preliminary report][Bimanol Polfa in treatment of post-neuroleptic abulic-apathic syndromes in schizophrenic patients].[Clinical trial of Triperidol drop preparation in psychotic patients with severe autistic, abulic and refusing attitude resisting li...