
preter- Preter pretentiousness pretentiously pretentious pretension pretense pretends pretending pretenders pretender pretendedly pretended pretend to pretend pretence preteen pretax presynaptic membrane presynaptic presurgical presupposition presupposing presupposes presupposed presuppose presumptuousness presumptuously presumptuous presumptively presumptive presumption presuming presumes presumer presumedly presumed presume on presume presumably presumable prestressed concrete prestress prestos prestore Preston presto prestissimo prestigiousness prestigious prestige prestidigitator prestidigitation prester john Prester prestation Prest presswork pressurizing pressurizes pressurized water reactor pressurized cabin pressurized pressurize pressurization pressurise pressuring pressures pressured pressure-sensitive pressure valve pressure suit pressure sensor pressure point pressure pattern pressure head pressure group pressure gauge pressure cooker Pressure control pressure pressrun pressroom pressor pressman pression pressingly pressing problem pressing pressie pressgang presses presser pressed powder pressed for time pressed pressburg pressboard press-up press-gang press stud press section press secretary press release press power press on press officer press office press kit press into service press into press gallery press forward press for press filter press down press cutting press coverage press corps press conference press charges press briefing press box Press and Cultural Counselor press ahead with press ahead press agent press against press presoaks presoaking presoaked presoak presley presignify presidium presidios presidio presiding judge presiding presidia presides presider presidentship presidents presidential suite presidential race presidential election presidential candidate presidential campaign presidential president-elect President office president of the board President Hu president presidency presidencies presidence presided preside over preside at preside preshrunk preshrinking preshrink preshaping preshaped presetting presets preset preserving preservice preserves preserver preserved szechuan pickle preserved meat preserved ham preserved fruit preserved eggs preserved egg preserved beancurd preserved bean curd preserved preserve someone's integrity preserve from preserve preservatory preservatives preservative preservations preservationist preservation preservable presents presentment presently presenting presentiment presenter presented presentative presentations presentational presentation copy presentation presentable present-day present to present simple present progressive present perfect present participle present oneself present difficulties present at present arms present an award present presenilin presence of mind presence presell preselecting preselected preselect preseason prese prescriptive prescriptions prescription drugs prescription drug prescription prescript prescribing prescribes prescribed prescribe Prescott prescoring prescore prescinds prescinding prescinded prescind prescientific prescient prescience preschooler preschool