
slip withdrawal slip withdraw wire transfer utility trust company traveler's check transfer transact stock exchange stock dividend stock broker shareholder savings bank savings account save money restriction remittance redeemable maturity promissory note premium policyholder statement personal check pay off partial overdue overdraw outstanding mutual fund mortgage money order minimum loan office liquidity joint account issue interest rate insure insurance policy forge foreign currency financial institution exchange rate endorse down payment devaluate deposit delinquent debt fraudulent fraud fluctuation currency cumulative interest creditor credit to credit coverage counterfeit corporate bond loan confidential pin commercial paper Commercial loan commercial bank clear checking account cash a check cardholder bounced check bounce bank statement bank loan bank account automatic allot accrue account number balance account balance volatile valid unemployment trial order trade fair trade deficit thrifty tenant taxation tax return tax deduction surge substitute stipulate barrier stimulate stagnant stabilize speculation soaring sluggish slowdown setback scale down retailer remainder reliability reimbursement workforce recession rebound real estate purchase order prosperous property tax price freeze premise plummet plunge consumption order form acknowledgement multiply multilateral mortgage loan minimize merchandise maximize manufacturing industry timber lumber lively lift up legacy lavish large order investment international insolvent initial order infrastructure industrialized income tax tariff levy impose hike percentage heavy industry ups and downs full employment garment fulfil frugal free trade franchise forestry fluctuate flourishing fiscal year financial fabric extravagant extract expiration encourage embargo economical downturn economic indicator distribute disposal diminish depressed deplete deflation default deduct cutting curb curtail credit standing decrease consume consignment competitive edge commodity collateral climb changeable cattle cancel an order correspondence budget belongings be on the rise bankrupt balanced reorder back order auction at the rate of apparel all-time allocate agriculture advance additional surpass ratio workshop unproductive unanimous sign up sign resume refuse recommend recess quorum press conference preside presentation persuasive orientation oppose opening address opening notification negotiate memorial service arbitrate mediate keynote speaker irrelevant fundraising fall through disapproval devise indecisive demand indecision decisive decision-making debate deadlock convene