
session conference conclude charity majority brochure breakthrough brainstorm auditorium attendance assert argue approve approval appropriate alternative adjourn consent absentee part-time probation full-time work from home work for volunteer vacation vacancy occupation temporary worker tax-deductible tax exemption take place associate sick leave shift dispute serve secretarial retire resign requisite requirement reinstate referral reference recruit recommendation qualification put in internship probationary period pre-tax placement pension remuneration pay check pay back paid leave overtime optional occupational Night shift negotiation relocate motivate maternity leave quit job opening job fair interviewer interviewee in-house incumbent incentive fringe benefit friction flexible hours retirement allotment dividend dispatch lay-off dismiss designate demanding Day shift coordinator compromise competitive competent communication skill commission diploma certificate career objective benefit package beneficiary beneficial look for be qualified for out of employment short list on strike on duty questionnaire aptitude appoint apply for application form allowance advisor administrative dismissal selection water-soluble venture user-friendly update discharge unload unemployment rate undertake undergo underestimate tryout transparent trademark track terms and conditions tentative target market take over take on survey treatment surplus supplier supervision supervise subsidiary streamline maneuver tactic strategy stow store stock up on stationery research standardize specification specialty detection cargo shipment operation set up tackle set out serial number transport send security scrutinize sales representative sales promotion run out inspect review revenue return restructure respondent callback resolve research and development replenish replacement remit reliable reimburse register recipient recall quality control practice put in action provision prototype promotion promote profitable profit margin benefit profit productivity production line production produce procrastinate treat process proceeds envelope potential plumbing place an order Personnel Department performance appraisal accounting payroll payment patent wrap pack overhead overestimate outstanding balance operating expense operate receipt on request off-limits equipment net profit Multinational corporation monopoly consolidate merge bulk mass-produce manufactured goods manufacture management manage malfunction make provision make a profit lucrative loss liquidate liability letterhead debut launch joint venture janitor fitting invoice inventory