考研英语 (英语一) 1986-2016 真题词汇集词汇表

考研英语 (英语一) 1986-2016 真题词汇集词汇表
substance neutral medicinal pervasive aspirin sociable poisoning perception psychoactive group stimulant depressant hallucinogen whereas psychedelic executive corrupt manifestation soul-searching bottom line late father mountainous rap under fire cable property column irritating assert label objectionable insider associate yield stuck to softland steering brake touch hence lag liken rear-view windscreen boast double-digit poll flash in the pan conventional slack capacity utilization take off thrilling defective upend jobless present imaginary ware tangible coverage tune parliamentary stretch debate royal defender ain't distinct arrival perfect enlarge rival engaging spoiled prevent fortune away from toward collectivism municipal state-owned private municipality consequence manipulation impersonal class land detached occasionally dictate order meant patriarchal involved trade strike lookout outburst breakthrough elementary school labor force practice nonverbal literate arithmetic geometry trigonometry acute precede parallel incentive flock beneficence technological readily unambiguous verbal description dealt assemble manipulate arrangement exhibition transmit spatial emulation imitation strive rumor citizenry unenlightened cosmology geology consistent unified constantly account creationism virtually distortion deception tight-lipped enormously export distribution assist apart from in terms of parliament act promote dare live up mercifully inferior persuade excessively merely confine deem willing experience landmark signpost specific determine by contrast promotion measured external process product perceive quick curious indecisive timidity cope with trapped prompt avoidance formerly solution informational extended family mobility stable informal trustworthy subconscious casual stockpile enormous coupled with bombard occurrence dispute expertise teleconferencing facilitate survive accumulate vital sur lessen preoccupation personality desirable practical merit emphasis disproportionate keen to passion soak up profound bring about inherent be bound to gross infer clue orientation gradual interpretation evolutionary adaptive typically indication private property bid up ring up scattered withdraw credit automatic preferred promotional campaign track stock theater exceptional likelihood exact cosmic ray variety