Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
concurrent conclusion coeval chronological chronic by turns by-and-by brief borrowed time betweentimes betimes belated before auld lang syne at times at once atemporal asynchronous archaic apres aperiodic anytime anymore antique antiquated ante- anon anew ancient already anachronism ahead of time ahead of ago again afterward aftertime after year workday winter while weekend weekday week Wednesday twinkling twelvemonth Tuesday trice time span time out of mind time-out time limit time-lapse time-lag time immemorial time frame Thursday term take five Sunday summer stint split second sojourn sidereal sidereal day September short-run since sempiternal second season Saturday round-the-clock quarter-hour protracted prehistoric posterity playtime picosecond perpetuity perpetual past overnight Olympiad October November nine to five night and day Neolithic nanosecond morning moratorium month Monday moment minute millisecond millennium millenary microsecond metonic may lustrum long-term long-run long haul longevity longstanding long-drawn lifetime life span lifelong leap year lead time lasting June July jiffy January interval interregnum intermittent interlude interim instant infinity indiction immemorial hour hitch hiatus future Friday fortnight for keeps for good forever fiscal year February everlasting eternity eternal era epoch eon elapsed time elapse duration December decade daytime day cycle coffee break circadian chiliad century calendar blue moon bimillennium bicentenary awhile autumn around-the-clock April always all-night all-day age afternoon aeon zero hour yesterday yearly winter solstice weekly vintage year vicennial vespers vernal equinox under the wire twilight triweekly trimonthly triennial tricentennial tonight tomorrow today time teatime suppertime sunset sunrise sundown summer solstice solstice small hours septennial semiyearly semiweekly semimonthly semidiurnal semicentennial semiannual salad days quincentennial quotidian quinquennial quarterly quadricentennial quadrennial present-day premiere post time perennial on time once now noontime noon nonce nocturnal morrow morn monthly millennial midweek midnight midday matin lunchtime latter lammas last-minute last-ditch in the nick of time inception ides hourly horary high tea heyday hebdomadal harvest moon halcyon days gloaming eventide