Word Menu词汇表

Word Menu词汇表
evening eve estival equinox equinoctial eleventh hour dusk dog days diurnal dinnertime decennial deadline dawn daily curfew cockshut cockcrow Christmastime christmastide centennial centenary canonical hour biweekly bissextile birthday bimonthly bimensal biennial bicentennial biannual bedtime autumnal equinox appointment annual anniversary wildcat Welsh water wangle walk off with victimize treachery thimblerig take advantage of take swipe swindle sting squeeze snooker skin game shortchange shell game shake down shaft setup sell out sell scam runner rook rip off renege pyramid pushover purloin profiteering prey Ponzi scheme plunder pinch pilfer perfidy peculate palter nobble nick monte milk loan shark lift launder kangaroo court juggle infidelity indian gift ill-gotten hornswoggle hoodwink hocus hoax gyp guile grift graft gouge go back on gaff front fraudulence foul play fleece finagle filch fall guy faithless fair-weather extort embezzle double-dealing do a number on dirty trick desertion defraud deception deceive deceit cully crib cop confiscation confidence game chisel chiaus cat's-paw catchy capper burn bunko bucket shop blackmail bilk betrayal beguile befool baseness banditry bamboozle backslide arrogate alibi abuse window dressing whiffle warp veneer untruth two-time trump up trap traduce tortuous tergiversation tamper tall talk tall tale tale subreption suborn story sophistry soi-disant so-called snare simulation shuck scalp roorback ringer red herring questionable quasi put on pull someone's leg pretext pretense pretend playact plagiarize piracy pipe dream perjury pass off overreach overdo misrepresent mislead mirage mendacity malinger magnify lowball line libel levant inflation impersonation imitation illusory illusion hypocrisy hyperbole half-truth guise gloss glad hand gin gilding funny-money forgery fool's paradise foist fob off flannelmouth fishy fish story fictitious feign fast-talk falsify falsehood false front fallacy fairy tale facsimile facade fabricate extravagance exorbitant exaggeration equivocation elusion duplicity double-talk doctor distortion disloyalty dishonesty dirty pool dirt delude defamation cry wolf crocodile tears cozy cozen cop out cook the books contrive cock-and-bull