- Views on this subject vary in China's academia.
对此,目前学术界在这个问题上存在一些不同的观点。 - The work of these students was well received by academia.
Symbolism and Strategic Change in Academia: The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Influence
Symbolism and Strategic Change in Academia: The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Influence
Networks of inventors and the role of academia: an exploration of Italian patent data ☆
Symbolic self‐completion in academia: evidence from department web pages and email signature files
The incidence and dimensions of sexual harassment in academia and the workplace.
Big data and new social relations in higher education: Academia.edu, Google Scholar and ResearchGate
Annals of Internal Medicine Academia and Clinic CONSORT 2010 Statement : Updated Guidelines for Reporting Parallel Group Randomized ...
Power ultrasound in organic synthesis: moving cavitational chemistry from academia to innovative and large-scale applications.
Institutional identity, image, and issue interpretation: Sensemaking during strategic change in academia.
A multidimensional trust formation model in B-to-C e-commerce: a conceptual framework and content analyses of academia/practitioner ...