- Preschoolers who watch television do better academically than children who don't, especially if their parents have little education or poor English.
那些看电视的学龄前儿童会在学业上比不看电视的孩子表现得更好,尤其当他们的父母几乎未受教育或者英语很差的时候。 - As students, you have excelled academically and as citizens of Hong Kong, you have participated actively in community services and indeed many have become leaders of our community.
Motivating the Academically Unmotivated: A Critical Issue for the 21st Century
The illusion of incompetence among academically competent children.
An empirical typology of perfectionism in academically talented children.
Effects of a Cooperative Learning Approach in Reading and Writing on Academically Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Students
The School Attitude Assessment Survey-Revised: A New Instrument To Identify Academically Able Students Who Underachieve.
Child Effortful Control, Teacher-student Relationships, and Achievement in Academically At-risk Children: Additive and Interactive E...
Consuming images: How television commercials that elicit stereotype threat can restrain women academically and professionally.
Effects of Historical Reasoning Instruction and Writing Strategy Mastery in Culturally and Academically Diverse Middle School Classr...
Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student Readiness, Interest, and Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classrooms: A R...
“You Would Not Believe What I Have to Go Through to Prove My Intellectual Value!” Stereotype Management Among Academically Success...